Monday, May 24, 2010

My first post

Here's the funny thing. I started this blog a couple of years ago and then I just forgot to write in it! Today, I decided it was time so here I am.
Why is it called 'I don't know how I do it?' Probably because I simply don't! But that statement could really apply to many parts of my life which I will go into a later date. But here is a list of some of the things that make me ask the question.

1) I have 3 kids, 3 dogs, 2 cats and a hubby...enough said.
2) I homeschool one of the kids (which I love doing by the way)
3) I also drive said kid to auditions frequently.
4) I have MS

Victoria Day weekend is over. It now seems official that the summer is upon us. The sun didn't shine a whole lot over the weekend but it will. I'm being positive. Best news of all, I am looking into getting my name on a list for the 'Liberation Treatment'...a breakthrough for the MS-ers of the world. I now have a number 5 for the list, spending many hours a day reading all the info I need to equip myself with all the necessary info. Thank goodness the school year is almost over and some of my time can be freed from text books and science experiments and move to other things like GETTING LIBERATED!!

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